Apr:Garden & Parking Space / Garden Repair Work

Garden & Parking Space / Garden Repair Work

As the garden renewing work Landscape Ohta Niwaishi in April 2021, garden & parking sspace at Kasamatsu chyo Gifu, and garden repair work at Kasamatsu chyo Gifu.

April 2021: Events & Work of Landscape Ohta Niwaishi

Garden & Parking Space Seen from Tsubo-niwa:Kasamatsu chyo, Gifu:April 3, 2021

Garden & Parking Space
Construction of renewing garden to make a car parking space and to recreate a garden with reusing the existing materials. The scene is expective to enjoy the distance from the shady spot garden to the sunlight main garden. For more detail, please check [Renewing - Improve & Renovate Japanese Garden Site]


Garden Repair Work:Kasamatsu chyo, Gifu

April 19, 2021

garden before repair
The garden repair work We started out to remove apart of the garden and to relocate a kitchen garden.


April 21, 2021

new vegetable garden
Under the perfect spring day, the repairing construction was complicated today.The client promptly began to prepare planting the vegetables! I hope they will grow up well at new vegetable garden.