Shikoku Akaishi・Kisyu Aka Ishi・Ibi Akaishi・Bini Gamoishi・Kamogawa Akaishi
In Akaishi genre, there are various kinds from countless production areas with colors, shades, textures in the whole regions of Japan. Beni Gamoishi is a typical one and it is famous for its red glaze.
Red stands out no matter what and especially when it gets wet with rain, it stands out beautifully. Akaishi has such a great effect by tightening the entire garden with its color.
Landscape Ohta Niwaishi introduces the stock of Japanese garden stone, Shikoku Akaishi, Kisyu Aka Ishi, Ibi Akaishi, Beni Gamoishi, Kamogawa Akaishi.
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