Garden DIY : Improvement - Repeating Challenges & Failures Ideal Japanese Garden

Garden DIY : Improvement - Repeating challenges & failures ideal Japanese garden

If you want create your garden by DIY, we will give you the advice of "improvement" which is the final step of "Planning, Preparation, Action, improvement" four steps needed to succeed in gardening.

Repeat Trial & Error to Get the Desired Garden

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Do-It-Yourself is a repetition of challenge and failure. It is a common practice, especially with DIY, to become an unsatisfying garden that does not meet your initial hope, even if you planed and prepared.


However, what has finally been made through trial and error is also joy. It is also lovable.


Let's learn how to do it well and without throwing it out even if it fails. By making "improvement" as the last step of DIY Garden, you can open the way to succeed in garden DIY.


When you were faced to never understand has conflicted in the situation, it is a shortcut that taking a consult to an expert.


Case 1

At the stage of planting the garden trees, but you do not have any knowledge about what kind of tree. Or you do not have confidence your choice is suitable for the garden.


Advice from Landscape Ohta Niwaishi

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Take a talk with some landscapers or gardeners. You can pick up the most reliable and stress-free adviser of them, furthermore you can request an estimate.


Recently, the climate has been changing rapidly and there are many new tree species and improved species, so there are many cases where conventional management can not be applied.


With regard to the tree you want, It is a good adviser that has knowledge, can give advices unstintingly, and can make suggestions kindly for your need.


Case 2

The garden tree became too large, and the client cut down by himself to prevent a large amount of fallen leaves and fallen trees but a large number of branches and trunks filled up the garden, and difficult to carry out from the garden.


Advice from Landscape Ohta Niwaishi

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After cutting down the trees, you may be surprised at the much quantity of disposal more than you imagined. It would be easy to carry little by little and make small chops.


It is easy to fell trees, but disposal is much hard. Some people say that they will not corrode if they are deposited, but it will take several years to get to the ground and it takes space.


When you are in trouble with disposal, try to ask a contractor for transport and disposal. (Landscaping contractor, dismantling contractor, industrial waste disposal contractor)


In addition, if you ask a contractor, you will have to pay for the work and the fare. And even with the same wood waste, disposal costs differ because it becomes "industrial waste" from "general waste". You better request an estimate.


Case 3

The client would like to create a stylish flower bed in a natural style using natural stone, but she does not know the name of the stone of the image, so she could not find where it is handled.


Advice from Landscape Ohta Niwaishi

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If you have a photo or sample of stone, you can bring it and show to garden material stores or garden specialties. It may be difficult at home improvement.


When you could find out the one, you should ask they have stock, can be ordered, or can be transported.


As garden materials are usually handled and distributed somewhere, follow the possibilities and get them, and create a garden according to your image !



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Creating the garden is an interesting work with ideas coming out endlessly, “Making it better”, “I want to make like this” etc. as a flexible ideas.


Garden DIY, which you create freely with your own design, sometime may to come to a halt, but please complete a satisfying garden with the help of knowledgeable people and experienced people.


Asking is free, just ask for various opinions.You will find your way from them, meet helpful people, and have a nice garden, you can share the joy.


The garden is the best natural space to quench your heart. We are glad if many people feel the charm of garden.