Small Sized Japanese Garden - 20 square meters
Follwings include 2-Japanese garden renewing construction, Tsubo-Niwa ( Spot Garden ) & Syu-Tei ( Entrance Garden ).
Tsubo-Niwa ( Spot Garden )
Proposal Design
![Proposal Design of Tsubo-Niwa]()
Before Renewing
![Before Renewing of Tsubo-Niwa]()
Syu-Tei ( Entrance Garden )
Proposal Design
![Proposal Design of Syu-Tei]()
Before Renewing
![Before Renewing of Syu-Tei]()
Total Cost : 1,550,000 JPY
- Designing
- Demolishing and removing work
- Layout the site
- Earth retaining (pilling stone)
- Transplant
- Arranging stone
- Paving stone
- Graveling - processed weed proof
- Concrete floor of parking space
- Other – waste disposal, cleaning, repairing & etc
Required day : 14-day
Required crew : 2-constructor /day (including 1-supervising, 1-machine operator)
Applied material
- Garden Stones - reusing, total 6 tons (Ena-Ishi, other)
- Stone lantern
Yukimi lantern - 0.7m height, existing & reusing
Maru Yukimi lantern – 0.45m height, existing & reusing
- Plants
1-Camellia “Ashiwara” - 2.5m height, existing & reusing
1-Camellia “Shiro Wabisuke” - 1.2m height, existing & reusing
1-Azalea - 0.5m wide, existing & reusing
1-Aucuba japonica - 0.5m height, existing & reusing
Grand cover plants – 60 pots
Other garnish plants, existing & reusing
- Pebbles: 1.2 tons
- Concrete floor: 25 square meters
Applied machine : Backhoe 0.1m3, Damp track 3ton & 2ton