Soil Survey - Before planting Work Suitable as Planting Soil

Soil Survey - Before planting work suitable as planting soil

In Landscape Ohta Niwaishi, we investigate soil quality, soil layer, earth color, soil hardness, soil property before construction whether it is suitable as planting soil by soil investigation.

Soil Survey - Soil Analysis of Quality, Layer, Color, Hardness, Properties

At Landscape Ohta Niwaishi, we will conduct a soil survey as a preliminary survey of the planting work plan. Good tree growth is essential for tree growth.


Planting soil is required to maintain the necessary moisture and nutrients, and to be able to support above the ground without disturbing the growth of the roots.


Also, depending on the type of plant, each has its own taste of soil, and it is important to know the characteristics of the plant.


The existence of plants is essential for landscaping, and we conduct a planting soil survey to determine if the plants are the proper planting soil for growth.


The nature of the soil (soil, soil layer, soil color, soil hardness, soilability) is expressed numerically, and it is diagnosed how to improve the soil.


Case require Soil Survey

Planting work
  1. Transplanting treess
  2. When you design new tree species or tree species that are not native species
plant growth failure
  1. When the cause of the weakening of the plant may be due to the planting soil
  2. Repeating pest damage


The factors of planning not suitable soil often causes complex and may result in large construction work to replace the customer’s soil. It is important to prepare a suitable soil by researching in advance.


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